Sunday, July 18, 2004

Moore may have violated Canadian Law

Michael Moore gave a speech in Canada where he said the following:

"What I hope that Canadians will get out of this is to get people out to the polls to make sure Mr. Harper does not become your next prime minister"

"(Harper) believes that Canada should be joining more with the United States instead of trying to be its own separate thing. And I think he has a big pair of scissors in his hands, desperate to cut away at the social safety net that (Canadians) have."

"You should be saying, 'You know what? We don't want this country, Canada, to become like Bush's America,"
Apparently this conclusion with a law that forbids foreigners from interfering in Canadian elections. Moores comments can be considered interfering. I bet if Canada asked for Moore to be extradited, Bush would hand him over on a silver platter.
Moore loves Canada. He often points to it as an example of what America should become. It would be great to see him do a little time in the great white north!