Monday, March 28, 2005

Death penalty nixed for Bible consultation

Apparently one is not allowed to consult the Bible when considering if a man should be put to death. Five jurors held a mini Bible study during deliberations to determine if they were justified in voting for the death penalty. Why is consulting the Bible a problem? Did the judge view the Bible as a competing authority? – Of course the Judge did. What were these nutballs thinking? They were told not to consult any outside resources. They were to weigh the decision based on their minds and the law. It appears they did not know their own mind. One can take it to the next level too, were they witnessing to their fellow jurors. Were they bringing the religious/ethical decisions into a discussion as well? Having served on a few juries in my day, I can honestly say that the last thing I want to hear is “the bible says…” Now a Robert Harlen will avoid death and live out his life on the taxpayer’s dole. Were the jurors' behaviors appropriate?

You can read an account of the murder of Rhonda Maloney here. Her murderer disserved to die.